
My word for 2015…


A few years back, I heard about something interesting that I decided to do at the start of each new year. The concept of making resolutions for the New Year has always been a negative one for me. Call it what you will – lack of will power, too high of expectations, big dreams and smaller amounts of motivation – but I never quite made it through January the end of the year with my list. It all seemed too daunting. So, needless to say, I was über excited to learn about a new way of doing things in order to get the positive results that I desired.

Basically, I choose a word. A concept that I’d like to focus on through out the entire year. A word that I can work into my daily life – my relationships, my struggles, my schedule. A word to meditate upon instead of a list to “do”. In the past, I have chosen the words peace, service and contentment. I go to my fave place, Pinterest, and create a board for my new word. I include quotes, articles or pictures that “speak to me”, that encouraged me to keep my word in the forefront of my mind. This year, I have chosen the word perspective. The photo quote above is one of my pins. And by the way – if you are not yet on Pinterest – please go and sign up. Now. I can wait. It will change your life  (in a good way). But, I digress. 🙂

Choosing your word has to be well thought out – it can’t just “happen”. It’s something I usually start thinking about during December, so that I will be ready  once all of the cookies have been eaten, the tree is down and the calendar flips, beginning the New Year. Typically , it will be a word that I feel like I need to understand more, connect with more, have in my life to a greater extent. A word that naturally intrigues me. I chose perspective as my word this year for several reasons. First, because of its basic definition. I am – please note the blog name – a lover of words. I like to learn new ones and then throw them into every day conversations. I like to use “big ones” and sound smarter than I actually am (we called those 50 cent words when I was growing up – as in “Don’t come in here and start throwing 50 cent words around here, Buddy!”) But I digress. Again. 🙂 defines perspective as “a mental view or prospect”.  I feel that I did indeed need a change in my mental view.

Next, I truly felt that I needed to be reminded that my view was up to ME. The things that happen to me, rumors I hear, reports from news program … they are legit – but I get to decide how to react or “feel” about them all. And finally, and most  importantly, I wanted to start focusing more on the positive. Even in the worst case scenario – there is hope, and I wanted to train myself to look for that silver lining. I want it to become more natural. I know that there are still going to be  moments when I will want to sneak into the pantry, shut the door and enjoy a few minutes of solitude and M&Ms. I am definitely not saying that because I am focusing on the good that the bad will just disappear (don’t I wish). But during 2015, I am choosing to look for the good and see if that helps me to find it more than when I am grumbling around feeling sorry for myself.

I have mentioned this on Facebook each year and love it when my friends post their words for the year as well. It’s very interesting and motivating. So – what do you think? What is your word for the year?

12 thoughts on “My word for 2015…

  1. Ryan chose the word “mIndfulness” for our family this year, which I thought was so cool! However, the word “perspective” has been gushing out of my mouth so much lately, and is such a huge focus for me. I will have to check out your board eventually 🙂 xo


  2. Jenni says:

    Rejoice is my word. Mostly rejoicing in the little things – for example, Mia still wants to hold my hand walking into school or at the mall, or just looking for the good in every day. Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it” is my verse too. Not a coincidence that your picture has the word rejoice in it for me 🙂


  3. Christie Burnett says:

    I came up with my word during an annual prayer retreat that is held in January. As I was reading Psalm 103 I knew I had to focus on forgiveness. It’s such a hard one for me…. forgiveness for family and friends, but most importantly forgiveness for myself. At the end of the prayer retreat they gave us smooth stones & we could write whatever we worked on that day, so I wrote Psalm 103 & Forgiveness on mine. Coincidentally I also won a coffee cup & saucer made by a dear friend. I placed my stones in them & placed them on a shelf. I think I will use this cup each year to hold my word & the verse I focus on as a reminder. Thanks for the idea. I’ll have to add a Pinterest board as well.


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