We are all works in progress ❤️

For this year, I have chosen to focus on the word progress. Over the past 10 years, instead of creating a list of resolutions, I have chosen one word or concept and done my best to use it to improve my life in as many ways as possible. This idea has proven beneficial to me, and I have loved to hear success stories from friends who have also focused on “one little word” for the year.

This particular blog post will attempt to explain how I plan to use my word of the year. According to my online dictionary – “progress” (noun) is defined as “advance or development towards a better, more complete, or more modern condition”. This word can be used in all areas of my life – relationships, work, physical activity, faith, and more. The most difficult aspect will be in identifying and measuring this progress. I’m pretty certain that I’m not alone in my exceptionally high expectations and consequential disappointment when dealing with progress in my own life. 

In 2021, I’m going to do my best to look at the big picture. I will deliberately choose the non-traditional way of assessing my progress. I’ll avoid the obvious when determining if progress has been made – like only using the scale when I’m trying to become more healthy. The numbers moving down are not the only way that I can see improvement, other indicators include: more energy, better fitting clothes, more flexibility, and healthier skin. As a teacher, I always use a wide range of assessments in determining progress and growth. An obvious place to begin would be knowledge of colors, shapes and numbers. But there are many other areas to observe in order to determine progress in a preschool child… some examples include whether or not this little one can transition in the morning without tears, hold a crayon with a proper grip, sit at circle time with limited interruptions, open his own Ziplock baggie at snacktime, tell me about his needs with enough time to get to the bathroom, etc. There are many facets of progress. Being aware of the various aspects of progress will allow me to watch my own growth in certain areas of life this year. Perspective is important, and acknowledging both big and small improvements is my goal.

Basically, I want to establish free and clear that progress can be measured in many ways, and can mean something different to everyone. I plan on taking every single victory (big and small) and running with it. I’m not going to wait until I reach my goal – whatever it may be – before I’m proud. I’m going to be proud of my progress during every step. I’m not going to wait to congratulate myself until I’ve done what my friends have done. Life is short. I’m celebrating DURING my progress. I’m not going to wait until others notice my progress. I will pat myself on the back. I will be my own biggest cheerleader. I will encourage myself to keep moving forward – starting with this very blog post. Like everyone else, my plate is full and I had to set aside time to write this… and I did it!!!

I hope this year finds you making whatever progress you feel is necessary in your life. I would love to help motivate you if you need it. I look forward to sharing my progress with you throughout 2021. Happy New Year!

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