Worthy – 2022

The past few years have changed many things, including expectations that we all had for our every day lives. Talk was rampant about the “new normal” which I refuse to accept in any way, shape, or form. Control was taken away regarding our school hours, work locations, and shopping options. Weeklong to the familiar, unless we chose to let it go, finally excepting that are all the ways may not have been the best for us. As we begin a new calendar year, I will yet again choose a word to reflect on for the next 12 months. This process has served me well, and I am sharing my word with you in hopes of perhaps spreading some hope in a challenging time for all of us.

A few years ago while in a Bible study, I came upon the scripture Ephesians 4:1, “Live a life worthy of the calling you have received”. This particular this line stopped me in my tracks. How often have I failed to do this? More often than not, I make choices that lead to frustration, guilt and anger. I choose to look away, take the easier path, keep quiet when my voice would’ve helped. I know my choices haven’t all been negative, and that quite often I dive in headfirst with guns blazing in order to make a difference. But living worthy of my calling requires more awareness, deliberate responses, and making the decision to seek the good and promote it even when we question our own future. I am hoping that by focusing on the word worthy, I will take a few more moments before I react, adjusting my attitude and responses accordingly.

The definition of worthy (adjective) is “deserving effort, attention, or respect; good enough , or suitable”. I hope I will be able to feel worthy in the most important areas of my life. Am I feeling valued at home, work, in my friendships and family relationships? How am I choosing what activities, events and organizations deserve my effort and energy? How do I express my feelings if I’m feeling hurt, dismissed, or disrespected? Acknowledging our worth is the first step in taking ownership of our actions and addressing the actions of those around us. Understanding that each and every one of us are deserving and worthy will hopefully change how we interact, and result in less negativity and conflict – something that would benefit all of us!

Focusing on the word worthy won’t change my life. It’s not a magic pill that will fix my attitude or perspective. I’m hoping that it will open my eyes to more positive possibilities. I’m motivated to really think about the ideas, people, and activities that I feel deserve my effort and passion. I want to stop and fully realize the worth I bring to the world and those in my life. The amazing fact is …we are ALL worthy. Every last one of us. What a gift. I don’t know what the future holds, but I will do my best to live worthy this year.

Blessings to you in 2022 ❤️

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